Integrated Light Microscopy Core

Updated Scheduler Software

Over the weekend of November 20-21, 2021 and again December 3rd we upgraded our scheduler software to Booked v2.8.5. New Features: 1) New “wait list” feature – if you try to schedule a time that someone else has already booked, the scheduler will now...

Abberior STEDYCON Easy 2D STED Webinar and Demo

The Microscopy Core will host the Abberior Instruments STEDYCON, a user-friendly instrument for multi-color, 2D STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) super-resolution microscopy.  There will be an introductory webinar Monday Nov. 15 at 1pm (register here) followed by...
New Equipment: Olympus VS200 whole slide scanner

New Equipment: Olympus VS200 whole slide scanner

We are pleased to announce the purchase and installation of a new Olympus VS200 Slideview Research Slide Scanner. This scanner will be used as part of our drop-off service. It is a whole slide, widefield scanning system, capable of imaging full color histology and...

New Equipment: Leica Stellaris8 Confocal Installed

We’re happy to announce the installation of a new laser scanning confocal system, the Leica Stellaris8. This system is the newest in the SP2 / 5 / 8 series and represents the top of the line in Leica’s laser scanning confocal lineup. Installation was...

Webinar: World Premier New Leica Confocal 4/7/2020

If you’ve finished Netflix and are looking for a change of pace for your next video, Leica is hosting the WORLD PREMIER of their new laser scanning confocal system online Tuesday April 7th at 8am CDT (that’s Central Daylight Time) Register to get a link to...