Sun Xun 孙逊 Endopsychic Fire, 2015. Painting Ink and color on Photographic Paper, Silver dust pigment.
Location: Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319, at the Harris School Building (1155 E 60th St)
Time: Friday, 3-5PM
Please note special location or time for some events.
10/12 Art in Smog (2018, 76 minutes, Mandarin with English subtitles)
Screening and Conversation with Director Lydia Chen
Introduced by Professor Paola Iovene (East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
Joint Event with Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia Workshop
Time and location: 3-5PM, Cochrane-Woods Art Center, Room 157
10/19 Chao Wang, PhD Candidate (History)
“Blind Singing Girls and the Respectability of Livelihood in Early Republican Guangzhou, 1911-1927”
Discussant: Weichu Wang, PhD Student (History)
Time and location: 3-5PM, Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319
10/26 Megan Beckerich, Master of Arts Program in the Humanities
“Supernatural Bodies and Censorship in 19th Century Japanese Prints”
Discussant: Minori Egashira, PhD Student (Art History)
Time and location: 4-6PM, Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319
11/2 Lilian Kong, Master of Arts Program in the Humanities
“Wolf Warrior II: Chinese Nationalism in the Popular Culture and Media Age”
Discussant: William Carroll, PhD Candidate (Cinema and Media Studies + East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
Special time for lunch and screening:
With a screening of “Wolf Warrior II” (战狼2) and catered lunch at Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319, starting at 1PM
11/16 Nicholas Lambrecht, PhD Candidate (East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
“Life After Return in Postwar Japan: From Fujiwara Tei to Miyao Tomiko”
Discussant: Nicholas Wong, PhD (Comparative Literature)
Time and location: 3-5PM, Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319
11/30 Yuqian Yan, PhD Candidate (Cinema and Media Studies + East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
“Constructing the Ancient: Set Design in Orphan Island Cinema”
Discussant: Pao-chen Tang, PhD Candidate (Cinema and Media Studies + East Asian Languages and Civilizations)
Time and location: 3-5PM, Center for East Asian Studies, Room 319