Carly Buxton


Friday, October 30, 3:00-5:00PM in CEAS 319 (1155 E 60th St)
Carly Buxton, “Performing Japaneseness: American Nisei Moving and Thinking as Imperial Subjects in Wartime Japan

On Friday, October 30, please join us in welcoming Carly Buxton, who will present a work-in-progress version of her dissertation chapter. As Carly explains, “In this chapter, I examine the ways in which the physical environment and social discourse surrounding American Nisei (second generation Japanese) in wartime Japan stimulated Nisei to stifle their American traits and perform the roles expected of Japanese citizens.  Nisei were fused into the imperial populace via the same channels of the physical body through which they were severed from the American populace; their speech, thought, physical appearance, and bodily movement were not only directed away from the concept of America, but were redirected toward the Japanese imperial cause.  To demonstrate this process in the lives of Nisei in wartime Japan, I begin with a broad historical sketch of assimilation policies adopted by the imperialist Japanese administration, and I consider the place of Nisei as subjects of Japan’s imperial dominion. I then examine elements of the physical environment in wartime Japan designed to unite the populace through public mediation of individual emotions such as anxiety, fear, and grief.  I conclude by considering the body in motion—Nisei performing work for the imperial cause as soldiers, students, volunteers, and government employees.”

A draft of Carly’s paper is available at this link. If you have not received the password for the post, or if you have concerns about accessibility, please feel free to contact David Krolikoski at davidkroli at or Brian White at bmwhite at

Joshua Solomon


Friday, October 16, 3:00-5:00PM in CEAS 319 (1155 E 60th St)
Joshua Solomon, “Mass Twang/Folk Twang: A New Historiography of the Aesthetics of Tsugaru-jamisen

On Friday, October 16, please join us in welcoming Joshua Solomon, who will present a work-in-progress version of a dissertation chapter. As Joshua explains, “This chapter offers a new historiography of Tsugaru folk music, with an emphasis on technological appropriations and the critical role of production.  Through a detailed close up of the musician Takahashi Chikuzan’s musical and cultural discourse, I argue that the historical trends of capitalization and massification of Tsugaru folk music, and Tsugaru-jamisen in particular, reflect a fundamental shift in away from a “folk epistemology.”  I do not suggest a narrative of irretrievable loss; on the contrary, I suggest that the sujimichi [principle] of a non-modern Tsugaru aesthetic economy is inherited in much contemporary shamisen performance, although in sometimes significantly muted forms.  Based on these observations, I suggest a wider critique of the ways in which we modernized and massified scholars might prepare ourselves to approach non-modern/ folk musics in the future.”

A draft of Joshua’s paper is available at this link. If you have not received the password for the post, or if you have concerns about accessibility, please feel free to contact David Krolikoski at davidkroli at or Brian White at bmwhite at

Friday, May 22, 3:00-5:00PM in CEAS 319 (1155 E 60th St)
Daniel Johnson, “Re-collecting Old Media: The Intimate Transmissions of Amachan

On Friday, May 22, please join us in welcoming Daniel Johnson, who will present a paper that is part of a larger project on what Daniel calls “convergence anxiety.” As Daniel explains, “This refers to the tensions between different types of users, producers, and audiences in contemporary media culture within discourses (and processes) of media convergence. The plan is to draw on a range of case studies from a variety of fields (television, internet, film, gaming, etc.) to consider some of the affective attachments and social organizations that appear around different media cultures and how those attachments animate particular media forms in anxious ways. Key to this sense of anxiety will be the question of gender and how different types of performers and consumers have their identities intensified, threatened, and turned into spectacle by shifting patterns of reception and exposure in contemporary media landscapes. This paper, ‘Re-collecting Media: The Intimate Transmissions of Amachan,‘ discusses some of these ideas in relation to a 2013 TV serialized drama from Japan. My interest in this show stems from the way it represents ‘old’ media forms like VHS and television in relation to ‘new’ media forms like broadband and online media. It is particularly through how some sense of a value system of intimacy in media culture seems to emerge from Amachan‘s investment in tangible media forms, inelastic broadcast time, and personal curation that these topics will be discussed.”

A draft of Daniel’s paper is available at this link. If you have not received the password for the post, or if you have concerns about accessibility, please feel free to contact Nicholas Lambrecht at lambrecht at Light refreshments will be served at the workshop. We look forward to seeing you on Friday!