Lunch with Leadership
This series is open to BSD faculty at all ranks to provide a forum for dialogue with senior leadership throughout the Division, UCMC, and the University. This is an informal gathering, limited to twenty participants, designed to offer BSD Faculty the opportunity to raise questions, learn more about the University’s plans, and provide feedback to senior leaders.
2021-2022 dates for Lunch with Leadership are coming soon.
Past Lunch with Leadership events:
- Robert J. Zimmer, President, University of Chicago
- Daniel Diermeier, Provost, University of Chicago
- Kenneth S. Polonsky, Dean and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
- Sharon O’Keefe, President, University of Chicago Medical Center
- Mumtaz Darbar, Vice Dean, Administration and Finance and the Vice President for Clinical Practice Finance
- Eric Isaacs, Executive Vice President for Research, Innovation and National Laboratories
- Selwyn Rogers, Professor and Chief – Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Director of the Trauma Center, and Executive VP of Community Health Engagement
- John Flavin, Executive Director, Chicago Innovation Exchange
- Jeff Glassroth, Dean for Clinical Affairs and Director of the Faculty Practice Plan
- Victoria Prince, Dean and Director of the Office of Graduate Affairs
Ka Yee C. Lee, Professor in Chemistry, The James Franck Institute, Institute for Biophysical Dynamics and The College, Senior Associate Vice President for Research