InfoReady Review Platform
The University of Chicago uses a Funding & Awards Portal called InfoReady Review to list current Federal and Foundation Limited Submission Funding Opportunities that have imposed an institutional submission limitation. Because of the funding agency’s limitation, the University follows an internal review cycle to select the application(s) that will move forward on behalf of the University. Faculty must apply for all limited submissions through InfoReady Review.
To learn about and to apply for limited submission funding opportunities, please login into InfoReady Review using your CNET ID and navigate to the Limited Submissions. If prompted, submit a Notification of Interest by the specified Internal Submission Deadline.
If there is an internal competition, a follow-up proposal and/or other materials will be requested through an InfoReady email notification. Once the Provost’s Office reviews all submissions, you will be notified about the status of your application by an InfoReady email. In cases where there is no internal competition, PIs will be notified that they are assigned the internal slot without a pre-proposal or other materials required.
New BSD Funding Opportunities, including the Limited Submission Funding Opportunities, are announced weekly in the BSD Funding Opportunities Newsletter.
- To view the latest issues of the BSD Funding Opportunities Newsletter CLICK HERE.
- To sign up for the BSD Funding Opportunities Newsletter CLICK HERE.
More information:
- InfoReady homepage: view and submit notification of interest for limited opportunities (login with your CNET ID)
- For information about the limited federal submissions contact: Beth Ziolkowski
- For information about the limited foundation submissions contact: Natalie Laczek
- For Provost Office managed awards contact: Sherine Badawi Walton
- View the Press Release announcing the transition to InfoReady
If you have questions or need assistance with InfoReady, please contact Sarah Lain at: