Cytometry and Antibody Technology

Online flow training for beginners

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Learn: Basics of Flow, Review | 0 comments

Edit 01/16/24: I was just pointed to the Flow Cytometry subreddit, created by Daniel Vocelle at CSU. I have been missing out on it for all these years. I’m so old. It’s more active than the Purdue list, and probably more useful at this point.
I’ve been looking at all things flow online lately to gauge how much valuable information is freely available for newcomers in the field and you know, it’s not half bad.
Here’s a list of resources that should help newcomers get started with the technology:
– First and foremost, our website. Not to brag, but we have spent a large amount of time creating training content and listing resources for our users. Some of it may be aging a bit, and you might have to click a lot to find everything you need, but it’s otherwise all pretty good. The site is peppered with links to our YouTube channel, might be easier to go there if you’re looking for a specific recording. The blog is often all over the place, but is where we’ll discuss new developments in the field. Does anyone else blog these days?
– The MSKCC flow core has the other core website I know of that I really like. They have guides for operating their instruments, which we’ll steal before long!
– The Bible of flow cytometry is Howard’s Shapiro’s Practical Flow Cytometry. Coulter The Internet Archives offers an online version.
– Practical Flow is an aging document, Flow Cytometry Today offers a lot of information about the newer technologies that we are currently using. It’s just not as funny. Might not be exactly free either if your place of work doesn’t have the proper subscription…
– I suggest subscribing to the Purdue List. This is where pretty much everyone in the field goes for questions and answers regarding flow cytometry.
A number of YouTube channels are dedicated to flow cytometry. My favorites are:
-> OpenFlow Cytometry: Dereck Davies, Rui Gardner, and Kathy Daniels organize online sessions exploring various flow topics. You can catch them live, but the recordings are available as well.
-> Aja Rieger: She’s the head of the Flow Core at University of Alberta and covers the basics and not so basics of flow quite nicely.
-> ChUG Cytometry: That’s us, we organized a couple of webinars and then started a podcast where we discuss all things flow. It may not help you immediately, but should give you a sense of how things are moving in the field. Dave Novo’s webinar about spectral flow is great. My preferred podcast remains Kelly Lundsten’s fluorophores discussion.
-> Special mention for the channels of software developers and instrument manufacturers: CytekFlowJoDeNovo Software, ThermoFisher.
What am I missing? Let me know in the comment section!

New to flow? See also

Publications Every Flow Cytometrist Should Know About
CAT Facility’s Flow Basics class


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