Cytometry and Antibody Technology


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Chronicles of a SRL

Why the AriaII had to go

I had a discussion with our users about our cell sorters and the topic of the AriaII came up. It was removed from our roaster in 2022 and I realized I never explained what happened. Long story short, the AriaII was a victim of computer obsolescence. That sorter was...


Policy change about multiplexing

Our Luminex and MSD QuickPlex platforms are pretty neat. They allow users to look at several analytes of different kind using the smallest amount of bio fluid. If you run a lot of ELISAS or Westerns on different targets, you should definitely look into these...


Pricing increase for 2023-2024

Pricing for the CAT Facility services have increased by 3% for fiscal year 2023-2024. This is to allow us to align our prices with current inflation and keep the facility cost neutral. A notable exception is with FlowJo, which jumped to 54.25 - an 8.5% increase....

AnnouncementsChronicles of a SRL

We’re off Twitter!

At some point many years ago, my former boss told me I needed a Twitter account for the CAT Facility. As someone who was happily living outside of the social media sphere, I was a bit annoyed at the prospect. But we did anyway, and used the tool  to announced our...

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