Internal Funding
Name | Funding Amount | Purpose | Eligibility |
Breast Cancer SPORE | Up to $50K | Advances and elevates translational research projects in breast cancer to the point of potential inclusion in full P50 Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) application. The Breast Cancer SPORE will provide funding for novel ideas with potential to have high impact on reducing deaths from breast cancer. | Junior investigators encouraged to apply with a senior investigator. Open to University of Chicago faculty. |
UCHAP Prostate Cancer Pilot Project Award | $50K for 1 year, renewable for 1 additional year dependent on review | Supports pilot projects or feasibility studies in basic, clinical, translational, cancer control, prevention, or population sciences research focused on high-risk or advanced prostate cancer. These pilot projects should be in preparation for the development of an application for independent peer-reviewed support. | All faculty are eligible to apply, early career investigators (postdoctoral fellows in final year of training, faculty within first 5 years of appointment) are encouraged to apply. PI must be a Cancer Center member, or have a collaborator that is a member. |
UCHAP Prostate Cancer Team Science Project Award | $225K for one year, renewable for 1 additional year dependent on review | Supports exploratory projects or feasibility studies in basic, clinical, translational, cancer control, prevention, or population sciences research focused on high-risk or advanced prostate cancer. These team-science projects should be in preparation for the development of an application for collaborative peer-reviewed support. | Team-science projects must include three or more investigators. At least one investigator must be a Cancer Center member. Early career investigators including postdoctoral fellows in final year of training may be co-investigators. |
Yuen Research Grants | Up to $100K for one year | Support faculty research in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area of mainland China for up to one year, with new projects funded quarterly. This program aims to highlight and strengthen the rich tradition of academic collaboration between the University of Chicago and partners in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area of mainland China. | Full-time members of the University of Chicago faculty, including tenured and tenure-track faculty, research faculty, library research employees, and special professional faculty are eligible to apply. Projects executed primarily by a graduate student or post-doctoral scholar must have sponsorship and oversight from a University of Chicago faculty member. |
Michael Reese Research and Education Foundation: Bench to Bedside Translational Science Grant | Up to $30K for a one-year project | Supports pilot studies in translational clinical research at the University of Chicago. This grant will fund a one-year project that tests hypotheses generated in preclinical disease models in human subjects with the corresponding authentic disease. Preference will be given to studies that: Promote the early career development of translational and clinical researchers or advance new avenues of translational and clinical research by established investigators; Allow researchers to generate preliminary data for subsequent funding from other sources; and, Encourage the development of new treatments and technologies with the potential for improved patient care and commercialization. | PI status Submission deadline October 15, 2020 |
Center for Healthcare Delivery Science Travel Grant Award | Up to $1,000 | Funding to defray the cost of travel and registration fees for trainees (residents, fellows, pharmacy, social work, and others), nurses or other healthcare professionals who wish to present their healthcare delivery science research at a national meeting. | Any staff, student or trainee affiliated with University of Chicago or University of Chicago Medicine is eligible to apply for an award. Project must be peer reviewed and accepted for a meeting. No awards will be given for presentations at past meetings. |
Diversity & Inclusion - Small Grants Program | Up to $2,000 | Funding to engage in research related to diversity or has the potential to enhance diversity within the BSD. | BSD or UCMC faculty, staff, student, postdoc or trainee. |
Diversity & Inclusion - Faculty Career Development | Up to $5,000 | Supports the scholarship of BSD faculty from underrepresented backgrounds in an effort to promote their career advancement. | Faculty at all ranks may apply, with preference given to Assistant and Associate Professors |
Center for Health Administration Studies - Seed Grant Program | Up to $30,000 | Supports promising health services and policy research projects at UChicago that impact vulnerable or disadvantaged populations. | All eligible investigators must be independent investigators at The University of Chicago and faculty appointments are required. |
Chapin Hall - Center for Children Joint Research Fund | $200,000 | Fosters research between the University and Chapin Hall that has a meaningful impact on policies and practices that affect vulnerable child populations, their families, and their communities. | Chapin Hall researchers and individuals with an academic research or tenure track appointment at the University. |
Community Programs Accelerator Faculty Support Program | $50,000 | Support selected initiatives that have a significant community engagement component for a one-year period, whether the aim is to establish a 501c3 organization or continue as a University program. | University of Chicago faculty |
Provost's Global Faculty Award: Center in Beijing | $30,000 | Support for innovative ideas, whether nascent or fully elaborated, for how we might foster global initiatives and facilitate collaboration with scholars and institutions in the region. | PI must be a current academic appointee. |
Provost's Global Faculty Award: Center in Delhi | $36,000 | Expand opportunities for collaboration with Indian scholars and universities, research institutes, and cultural organizations, to serve as a focal point for engaging alumni in India and South Asia, and to contribute to cooperation among the several international centers of the University. | Must be sponsored by at least one person holding a current academic appointment at the University of Chicago |
Faculty Grant: Center in Paris | $5,000 - $10,000 | Support University of Chicago faculty and their collaborators who wish to organize scholarly activities or undertake research at the Center in Paris | Must be sponsored by at least one person holding a current academic appointment at the University of Chicago |
ITM - Pilot Awards | $60,000 given annually | ITM funding and resource support for study design, ethics and community consults, networking with potential local and national collaborators, and more. Includes video production and communications support to share research findings and impact. | Individuals from any ITM institution |
ITM - Community Benefit Grant Awards | $50,000 | Collaborative projects between a local community organization and UChicago researcher to impact community health. | |
ITM - Core Subsidy Awards | $5,000 | Offset costs for using one of the dozens of UChicago core facilities that offer high-tech equipment, data processing, and other resources for researchers. | |
ITM - Career Development (K) Awards | Up to $100,000 | Up to $100,000 in salary support, 75% protected time for research of your choice, exclusive mentoring from senior faculty, and travel funds for junior investigators pursuing clinical, translational, and/or oncology research. | Those holding an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD who are interested in clinical, translational, and/or oncology research |
ITM - Short Term Pilot Awards | $5,000 | Funding for postdoctoral clinician-scientists in training at the UCMC, such as residents, fellows and other trainees whose mentors do not have financial support for the specific projects the applicants are trying to undertake. | |
ITM - TL1 Trainee Awards | $21,000 | Stipend (tuition, living expenses) and research training for predoctoral students in clinical and translational science. | •MD clinical fellows based at an ITM institution •Candidates with another doctoral level professional degree •PhD recipients committed to careers in clinical or translational research |
Neubauer Collegium - Faculty Research Awards | $10,000-$25,000 | Provides financial, strategic, and administrative support for research projects that enable University of Chicago faculty to pursue complex questions that require collaboration, inspire an interdisciplinary approach, and are informed by a humanistic perspective | University of Chicago faculty as PIs |
Pozen Family Center - Faculty Research Project Awards | $5,000 – $30,000 | Supports research projects that allow University of Chicago faculty to explore critical dimensions of human rights thought and practice. | Proposals should come from teams of two or more faculty. One of the principal applicants must be a University of Chicago faculty member. |
The Stevanovich Institute - Faculty Seed Grants | $5,000 | Funds to support a first step into an area of research that may or may not lead to an application for the larger faculty research grant the following year | Faculty at the University of Chicago |
Women's Board - Grants Fund | $25,000 – $60,000 | Catalyst, sustaining, and capacity-building funding is awarded to high-impact projects that would likely otherwise not go forward without Women’s Board support. | |
George Shultz Innovation Fund | Up to $250,000 | Helps researchers turn their innovations into profitable ventures in two ways: 1. Investing in startups created by faculty, students, and staff to help them with funding commercial investment. 2. Surrounding these startups with a community of support to help move their projects forward. | Faculty, students, and staff seeking investment to commercialize their research. |
UCM Innovations Grant Program | $25,000 - $50,000 for a one-year project period. Project funds may be used to provide salary support, supplies, assistance with data collection, or statistical expertise. | Support projects that use research-quality methods to find solutions to operational challenges or areas in need of improvement at the University of Chicago Medicine. Proposals must be multi-disciplinary in nature and should connect back to the Annual Operating Plan. The program’s goal is to help identify and develop future innovators and to create value for our patients. Grants up to $50,000 will be awarded through our philanthropic donor but will be matched by the medical center. | All UCM and BSD employees and active medical and research staff. |
American Cancer Society Institutional Grant - 2020 Request for Applications from Junior Faculty | Up to $35,000 for a one-year project period (6/1/2020 - 5/31/2021) | Provides seed money to early stage investigators who have not yet received national peer-reviewed grant support. The intent is to support junior faculty in conducting one-year pilot projects that will yield preliminary data to enable them to compete successfully for national cancer research grants. | 1. Junior faculty (usually at the assistant professor or equivalent level) involved in cancer-related research; 2. Within six (6) years of first independent research or faculty appointment; 3. Salaried faculty with appropriate committed research facilities; 4. No peer-reviewed funding; and UCCCC membership or eligible for membership (e.g., research is cancer-focused). 5. Research Associates, Post-Doctoral Fellows and Clinical Fellows are not eligible to apply. 6. Must be, at the time of application, US citizens, noncitizen nationals, or permanent residents of the United States. |
Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Faculty Development Program | Minimum of 75% salary support (up to $90,000 plus fringe) for two years and up to $20,000 per year in research development support costs | Promote UChicago researchers interested in PCOR and support their development into independent investigators. During the program, scholars participate in advanced coursework and receive mentorship from PCOR researchers at UChicago to advance their own research careers. | U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or non-citizen nationals; have clinical or research doctorates; and have a junior faculty or instructor position by the time of appointment to the K12 program, which is expected to be in Summer 2018. Postdoctoral fellows and research associates may apply for the program but acceptance is contingent upon the candidate's appointment to a faculty or instructor position after being selected for K12. |
Chicago Biomedical Consortium: Accelerator Awards | Up to $100,000 for use over 1 year. Awarded projects that have met proposed milestones during the first year may be invited to apply for $150,000 for one additional year. The three CBC institutions have waived all indirect costs. | Supports translational research and provides university researchers with early commercial guidance. Supports the initial, and therefore highest risk, stage of commercially-directed research focused on the development of a therapeutic or an associated biomarker or diagnostic. Award recipients are mentored by faculty, industry experts, tech transfer officers and CBC personnel. | Tenured or tenure-track faculty with research programs at UChicago, Northwestern University, and/or University of Illinois at Chicago. Faculty with full time appointments on the clinical track at each of the institutions are also eligible to apply. Applicants must have their own designated laboratory space. |
Chicago Biomedical Consortium: Catalyst Awards | $250,000 for 1 to 2 year projects | Offers funding for one- or two-year new inter-institutional collaborative research projects. Projects should address important areas of basic biological/biomedical or translational research that are risky, innovative, and potentially transformative. Catalysts are not intended to support incremental progress, obvious next steps, or NIH-ready projects. Applicants submitting projects with translational potential will be required to submit a statement regarding the unmet clinical need and the potential impact on human health. | 1. Tenured or tenure-track faculty with research programs at UChicago, Northwestern University, and/or University of Illinois at Chicago, who will jointly engage in collaborative research. 2. Research proposals must have Co-Principal Investigators from at least two of the CBC universities. |
College Curricular Innovation Fund | Grants of $10,000 to $50,000 given annually | Supports innovative programs that will directly benefit our undergraduates, with the following three main areas: 1) Undergraduate research fellowship programs. Successful proposals will describe not only the individual labs hosting these students, but also how the student cohort will be mentored as a group. Successful programs will be 1-2 years in duration 2) Purchase of equipment and/or data collection. Proposals can originate from individual faculty or groups of faculty. Interdisciplinary groups of faculty are particularly encouraged to apply. 3) Development of new laboratory exercises, curriculum, or pedagogical improvements for existing undergraduate courses. | Faculty at the University of Chicago |
Safadi Pilot Grants | Up to $30,000 for 1 year | Supports the generation of preliminary or exploratory data involving novel multidisciplinary neuroscience collaborations, or to help support fellowship training involving novel multidisciplinary tools and concepts. Proposals should articulate the collaboration and disease relevance with clinical neuroscience group. | Full-time faculty |
Duchossois Family Institute (DFI): Multidisciplinary Research Grant | Up to $250K, renewable for a second year pending review of the first year’s accomplishments | Facilitates productive research collaborations between clinical investigators studying patients in whom the microbiome and immune system are contributing to disease states and laboratory investigators focusing on mechanisms of immune and microbiome-mediated disease resistance. | Must hold a faculty appointment at the level of Instructor or higher. |
France And Chicago Collaborating in The Sciences (FACCTS) Program | Up to $15,000 for one-year projects; Up to $25,000 for two-year projects | To support new and developing research projects undertaken collaboratively by UChicago researchers (PSD, BSD, PME) and research teams in France. The review committee will consider factors as: - The strengths and levels of complementarity between the collaborating partner laboratories - The likelihood of a high reward relative to the amount of funding requested - The potential for continued collaboration in the medium and long term. | PI Status |
ITM - CTSA KL2 Clinical and Translational Scholar Awards | Salary support (up to $75,000 plus fringe) given annually. Appointments are for two years. | Area of research includes: 1) mechanisms of human disease; 2) therapeutic interventions; 3) clinical trials; and 4) the development of new technologies. Research topics can relate to any aspect of clinical and/or translational research, relevant to any patient population and disease group, and employing any suitable research approach. However, potential relevance to the understanding or treatment of human disease must be demonstrated. | Eligible candidates may be from any ITM-affiliated institution, must hold a doctoral degree and must have a faculty-level appointment during the period of support. |
Chicago Fellows Program | $53,000 stipend per year and $10,000 research budget per year, for 2 years | To support the career advancement of truly exceptional and creative scientists in the biological and biomedical sciences.The expectation is that Chicago Fellows will go on to be the next generation of scientific leaders in their fields. | Postdoctoral Fellows within three years of having received their doctoral degree; PhD and MD degree holders are eligible. |
Center for Data and Computing (CDAC) Data Science Discovery Grants | Collaborative research projects - up to $100,000 for 12 months; Exploratory convenings - up to $15,000 for 12 months | To support multi-disciplinary projects that have the potential for high-impact research or new technological innovations | PI Status |
Griffin Applied Economics Incubator Grant | Up to $50,000 for a one-year grant | The 2019-2020 initiative is “The Science of Scaling Through the Lens of Early Childhood Education”. This initiative will support promising research focused on early childhood and issues around scaling, providing the seed funds necessary to develop and test innovative approaches that yield transformative policy results. | University of Chicago Faculty Members serving as the PI |
Big Ideas Generator | Up to $5K for Workshop grants Up to $15K for Seed grants Up to $75K for Vision grants | To target early-stage, ambitious research proposals in any field of scholarly inquiry. The fund’s goal is to identify and support path-breaking ideas that have the potential to become novel and robust areas of research but are too nascent for traditional sources of funding. Three tiers of grants are available: Workshop grants to plan for large-scale, inter-disciplinary initiatives Seed grants for exploratory research work Vision grants for research-intensive projects | Proposals can come from any field. Winning proposals will articulate a novel, ambitious idea that, if established with subsequent research and follow up funding, could have a measurable and important impact on the relevant field(s). |
UChicago-National Laboratory Task Force to Enhance Shared Research | Approximately up to $50K per collaborative project | A new joint task force initiative between the University of Chicago, Argonne and Fermilab, will provide seed funding for collaborative projects in AI and quantum information science. The grants programs will help to position our institutions for current and anticipated funding opportunities and provide unique educational experiences for students. The AI + Science research grants program, which is provided in collaboration with the Center for Data and Computing (CDAC), will support 4-5 collaborative projects between UChicago, Argonne, Fermilab and the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC). The QIS Research grants program will support an estimated 3-4 collaborative projects between UChicago, Argonne, and Fermilab. | All applications for grants through either program must have at least one PI from the University of Chicago and at least one PI from one of the national laboratories. |
UChicago Global - Latin America | Up to $20,000 | To seed and enhance lasting collaborative projects and partnerships between University of Chicago faculty and their peers around the world. | Must be sponsored by at least one person holding a current academic appointment at the University of Chicago |
Diversity & Inclusion - Inclusive Climate Grant | Up to $5,000 | Proposals should aim to create a more inclusive campus climate in units across campus. | All members of the UChicago community are invited to apply. |
Diversity & Inclusion - Inclusive Pedagogy | Up to $4,000 | Proposals should support efforts to create more inclusive classrooms. | All those who teach, including faculty, other academic appointees, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students, may submit proposals. |
Diversity & Inclusion - Student Food Security Innovation Fund | Up to $1,500 | Proposals should address the issue of food security among UChicago students. | All members of the UChicago community are invited to apply. |