Cytometry and Antibody Technology


Learn the latest news about the CAT Facility and tips for learning flow cytometry. Feel free to share your opinion in the comments section of each post. The comment section will be moderated for tone and content.

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The significance of Significance

Did you ever wonder why we always collect 10,000 events in our files? Why not collect less? Or more? Well, to answer this question, you'll need to take a step back and stretch your brain to remember that pesky stat class you took as an undergraduate. You may...


Remote-Controlled Flow Cytometry Part 2

I wrote previously about a new tool the flow lab employs called LogMeIn (see previous post here). This utility is great, but what happens if the instrument you want to control through the logmein web interface is off? Well you'd want to be able to remotely power-on...


Want the Flow Lab to look over your shoulder?

The flow lab has begun using a web service called LogMeIn ( which allows us to remotely log into any of our computers on campus from anywhere a network connection can be had.  What this means is that if you're on, say, the Canto in S319, and you'd like...

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