Learn the latest news about the CAT Facility and tips for learning flow cytometry. Feel free to share your opinion in the comments section of each post. The comment section will be moderated for tone and content.
Have the market research groups recently been clamoring at your door? It seems like a weekly request via email or phone call to take "10 minutes" to answer some questions about "the future directions of flow cytometers and associated reagents." I've answered...
A long time ago, in a laboratory far far away there was a lowly FACScan able to display data on a 4-log scale. Fast-forward to today, and you'll find some instruments with as many as 7 logs of scale. That's a huge improvement, right? Well, maybe not. The origin...
Why is it that each booth with a new piece of hardware I walked up to at CYTO had the same set of plots 'demonstrating' how 'sensitive' their instrument is? I can't tell you how disheartening it is after years of clamoring for a re-definition of instrument...
In my quest to find a mid-range cytometer to replace my ailing FACSCantos, I've come upon the 8HT from EMD-Millipore (whom I'll probably just call Millipore for now, or maybe even Guava at times). The 8HT is a 2 laser, 8-parameter cytometer (2 Scatter and 6...
I'm not going to discuss the merits of transforming your log-scaled fluorescence flow cytometry data; I'll leave that to the professionals. What I will try to elucidate here is how I tweak the transformation using FlowJo (Mac version 9.3, sorry Windows people)....
An updated review of the Attune Cytometer, dated October 2012 is now available: You can reach that post here. EDIT 2: I've met with some folks from Life Technologies and they feel the instrument that was set up in my lab for demo was not properly aligned, and so...