East Asia Workshop: Politics, Economy and Society Presents
Mapping the Three Generations of Economic Policy Elites in China: Trajectories, Networks and Institutions (1979-2013)
Yingyao Wang
Ph.D Candidate, Department of Sociology
Yale University
4:30-6pm, Tuesday
November 19, 2013
Pick Lounge, 5828 South University Ave.
My paper investigates the organizational origin of economic ideas. It locates the formation of economic knowledge for Chinese economic policy elites in the organizations they served throughout the reform period (1979-2013). With social sequence and network analysis, it examines organizations and organizational fields by parsing the career trajectories of 191 Chinese economic officials divided into three generations. It argues that hegemonic or competing organizational views of the economy defined the knowledge regime for each generation of economic officials. These organizational views determine the kinds of economic strategies that each generation of economic officials proposed when they were in power.
Workshop website: http://cas.uchicago.edu/workshops/eastasia/
Student coordinator: Junyan Jiang (junyanjiang@uchicago.edu)
Faculty sponsors: Dali Yang, Dingxin Zhao and Zheng Michael Song
This presentation is sponsored by the Council on Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Center for East Asian Studies, and the Confucius Institute. Persons with disabilities who believe they may need assistance please contact the student coordinator in advance.