Autumn 2016 Workshop Schedule
October 4
“The Chinese Outbound Acquisition Spree: Trends and Implications”
James Tam
Managing Director and Co-Head of Mergers & Acquisitions
Asia Pacific at Morgan Stanley
October 18
“Tigers in Cage: A Network Explanation of Corruption Prosecution in China”
Jia Li
CIR student
University of Chicago
November 1
“Identity and Organizational Metabolism: Elite Transfers in CCP China”
Shilin Jia
PhD student, Department of Sociology
University of Chicago
November 15
“From Manchuria to Rustbelt: Industrial and Social Transformation in Northeast China”
Wen Xie
PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology
University of Chicago
November 29
“The US-China Survey” (TBD)
Victor Yuan
Chairman, Horizon Research Consultancy Group
East Asia Workshop meets on alternate Tuesdays 4:30-6pm at Pick Lounge, 5828 South University Avenue. This workshop features interdisciplinary scholarship addressing topics relating to social, political, economic and cultural matters in East Asia. Our presenters come from different disciplines like sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, history and so on.
*Questions and comments should be addressed to the coordinator Yinxian Zhang: zyxzhang@uchicago.edu
Faculty Sponsors:
Xi Song (Sociology), Dali Yang (Political Science), and Dingxin Zhao (Sociology)
The East Asia Workshop is sponsored by the Council on Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Persons with disabilities who believe they may need assistance please contact the student coordinator in advance.