Auto text: “Insert Partial Nephrectomy”
- Weigh and measure specimen in 3 dimensions.
- Photograph outer surfaces, with special emphasis on the parenchyma resection margin and the capsule.
- Describe and ink the kidney capsule and any attached adipose tissue.
- Describe and ink the kidney parenchymal resection margin (a different color).
- Fix in formalin overnight. If small, can gross fresh.
- Serially section perpendicular to the parenchymal resection margin.
- Measure the tumor (3 dimensions) and distance to margins.
- Photograph tumor cut surface and describe.
- Note whether tumor invades the adipose tissue or involves the resection margin.
- Describe the surrounding kidney parenchyma (if present).
- Submit representative sections of mass (1 per cm) including closest approach to capsule and resection margins.
- Submit one section of uninvolved kidney (order PAS nephrectomy on this block).