Auto Text: “Insert Testis Tumor” or “Insert Testis Benign”
- Weigh specimen.
- Measure size of testis (3D) and length/diameter of spermatic cord.
- Ink tunica vaginalis.
- Cut through tunica vaginalis with scissors then bisect testis in the plane of the epididymis.
- Photograph cut surface.
- Measure tumor (3D) and document gross appearance.
- Measure distance of tumor from tunica and note whether tumor extends up to, into, or through tunica albuginea or vaginalis.
- Measure distance from epididymis and spermatic cord and note epididymal and spermatic cord involvement.
- Describe remaining testicular parenchyma.
- If large, serially section perpendicular to long axis. Fix in formalin overnight.
- Remove and submit proximal spermatic cord margin en face.
- Sample tumor (at least 1 section per centimeter) including closest penetration of tunica albuginea/vaginalis and epididymis.
- Sample grossly-different areas of tumor to determine which components are present (in case of potential mixed germ cell tumor).
- Sample normal (uninvolved) testis.
- Any separately submitted lymph nodes should be described and submitted.
- IF the orchiectomy is for undescended testis, submit the entire testicular parenchyma to evaluate for GCNIS (germ cell neoplasia in situ). Generously sample the spermatic cord, including the proximal margin (en face).