Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Auto text: “Insert peritoneal mesothelioma”

Triage & Gross

  1. All mesothelioma cases (both pleural and peritoneal) to be assigned to the person on thoracic.
  2. Weigh and measure in 3 dimensions.
  3. Measure maximal thickness of tumor.
  4. Measure volume of the main resection specimen (all pieces if fragmented). There is a graduated cylinder in the gross room. Fill it with water to a designated volume. Submerge the specimen and record the amount of water displacement.
  5. Photograph main resection specimen.
  6. Most specimens come non-oriented. Some come oriented at the diaphragmatic margin.
    1. Measure attached diaphragm, if present.
    2. Ink if margins are indicated.
  7. If there is obvious tumor: submit a total of 15-20 tumor sections from the ENTIRE PATIENT (ALL SPECIMENS COMBINED).
    1. If diaphragmatic margin is present, submit nearest approach to margin.
    2. Take representative sections of any attached peritoneal structures/organs to document invasion.
  8. If there is no obvious tumor AND the patient has been treated: submit 5-10 sections per specimen (i.e. per container).
  9. Consult with a PA with questions and/or call the thoracic attending to discuss.

SRR 11/21/24

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