Sentinel Nodes

A new page has been added for Melanoma Sentinel Nodes:

Please remember for all sentinel nodes (melanoma, non-melanoma skin, breast, H&N, etc): For all cassettes that contain node or candidate node (not obvious fat), please ensure that the Histology Protocol with appropriate H&E and Unstained slides is loaded. You can use the “Copy Last” function in Beaker to add cassettes for this purpose.

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources:

Thank you to all the pathology staff who are working to support and protect patients, themselves, and others during this pandemic.

Below is a quick reference guide for Grossing Precautions and PPE to be donned during the processing of Surgical Pathology and Autopsy specimens, as well as links to additional resources:

Required-PPE-2020-04-03 (image below)


Courtesy Rachel Poon & Charlene Gettings.

AAPA list of resources, including links to CDC

Updated 04-03-2020 NAC

6-25-2019 Breast Procedure Update

Breast Triage Procedures have been updated to clarify a number if items including: sectioning, identification of clips, Faxitron-ing the specimen, notation of time breast immersed in formalin.

Please see the Lumpectomy, Mastectomy, and Prophylactic Mastectomy pages – updates are in italics and bold.

PLEASE REVIEW CAREFULLY PRIOR TO YOUR NEXT BREAST GROSSING. If you have questions, please ask Rachel or your Breast Attending.

Time in Formalin has been added to the Dragon Auto-Text Templates.

2-18-2019 Procedure Update


Make specific note of the relationship to EGJ for staging purposes:

The relationship of the tumor (or ulcer in treated cases) to the esophagogastric junction (EGJ)  MUST be explicitly stated for staging purposes as follows:

  • Tumor/ulcer is located entirely within the tubular esophagus without involvement of the EGJ
  •  Tumor/ulcer midpoint lies in the distal esophagus and tumor involves the EGJ
  •  Tumor/ulcer midpoint is located at the EGJ
  • Tumor/ulcer midpoint is 2 cm or less into the proximal stomach and involves the EGJ


Lung Tumors:

Size of tumor to submit entirely decreased from 2 cm to 1 cm, and number of sections to submit:

If greatest dimension is less than or equal to 1 cm, submit the whole tumor. If greatest dimension is larger than 1 cm, submit representative sections, at least 3 and no more than 6 sections (including frozen section, if performed). Submit sections demonstrating relationships with adjacent uninvolved parenchyma, staple line, and pleural surface. (NOTE: Tumor may have been banked prior to grossing – these measurements are of the fresh size before removal of tumor for tissue bank).


Thyroid Tumors:

Documentation of gross extrathyroidal extension for staging purposes:

Document in your gross description whether extrathyroidal extension into fat, skeletal muscle, or other anatomic landmarks is visible.