Auto text: “Insert Salivary”
Major salivary glands are parotid, submandibular, and sublingual. Minor salivary glands are located throughout the aerodigestive tract and ear.
- Weigh and measure specimen in 3D.
- Ink the outer surface, taking note of any orienting sutures and specimen integrity.
- Fix in formalin overnight.
- If you receive submandibular gland as part of a larger cancer-staging surgery, see Neck Dissection.
- Serially section: If orienting sutures are present, maintain orientation during the grossing process.
- Measure tumor in 3D.
- Photograph cut surface of tumor.
- Describe tumor: one or multiple nodules, color, consistency, circumscription / relationship to adjacent salivary gland.
- Measure distance to nearest margins.
- Mention dilated ducts, pus, or calculi.
- If 4 cm or less, submit ALL. If larger, submit representative sections of tumor (2 per cm), including interface with normal and with margin.
- Submit representative uninvolved parenchyma.
- Submit any intra/peri glandular lymph nodes.